How We Could Be Insensitive Towards The Saviors: Corona Chronicle #021

She was terrified of the threat she just received.

She has goosebumps and could have never believed that people are so ruthless.

She rushed to police station and wanted to file a complaint believing she’d have some help.

The police asked what it was and she said that the officer bearer of her society had threatened to rape her if she did not vacate the house.

The police after recovering from their shock decided to lodge the complaint.

She said that she was a junior doctor at AIIMS and she was living in Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar for a while now.

The society felt that she was exposing them to the virus as she came home every day from the hospital.

The office bearer should have kept him at her position once and thought before being heartless.

The office bearer has a family of his own, a wife and two children, he should have thought of the consequences.

When police went to investigate the matter, the society filed a counter case saying that her family had misbehaved with the office bearers.

She maintained her cool when she and her family were harassed almost daily but when she received this threat, the water was way above the level.

The society wanted them to vacate the house during the worse time when they should actually be supporting them.

The worse part is that the doctor was not even involved in the treatment of corona patients and instead of telling people, they were not believing her.

Despite the distress, we are insensitive towards the saviours of our own lives.

Disclaimer: Based on true events.

– Tanisha Agrawal

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