When Souls Come Close, No Social Distancing Can Stop Them: Corona Chronicle #042

She was sitting on the pavement and waiting for her chance.

They were distributing food packets to the needy people and beggars in the area.

She was cursing her destiny.

She does not have a father, her mother suffers from paralysis.

Her brother and sister in law were beaten and driven away from home.

She did not have anything to live for so she sat in line with beggars on the pavement.

She did not even have food during the coronavirus lockdown.

However, when her chance came for getting the food packet, her eyes locked with him.

He used to come with his boss everyday to give food to everyone.

When he got to know about her compulsions, he fell in love with her.

He was a driver at a property dealer and has his own house.

When he discussed this with his boss, he asked him to go and distribute food even at night.

His boss even persuaded his father for getting them both married.

He went and asked her if she wanted to get married to him and she could not stop crying.

She had tears of happiness.

She never believed someone could marry her.

They both got married with all protocols during the lockdown and vowed to stay together for their next 7 births.

Anil and Neelam are now the happy couple.

When souls come close, no social distancing can stop them.

Disclaimer: Based on true events.

– Tanisha Agrawal

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