Brothers, Who Sold Land To Feed Poor: Corona Chronicle #014
They looked at the condition of daily wage labourers in Kolar, Karnataka and the people’s suffering was rather a scar to them.
The two brothers, Tajammul Pasha and Muzzamil Pasha sold their land amid the lock down for Rs. 25 lakh to help the people in need.
The brothers lost their parents when they were 5 and 3 years old and they spent their life later at their maternal grandmother’s house where they survived with the help of people from all communities, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims without any religious bias.
The Pasha brothers are into banana cultivation and real estate.
The brothers say that they were brought up in poverty and they survived with the help of people.
They have signed the society agreement bond and handed the land over to their friend who purchased it and gave them the money.
The brothers bought essentials and food grains and even oil and cereals with the money they received.
They have set up a tent next to their house and started a community kitchen to make food for labourers and homeless people.
The brothers have supplied food, grains, oil, sugar and even other essentials to over 3,000 families and they are providing masks and sanitizers to the poor.
The Kolar administration has issued passes to their workers and volunteers as they are helping in the tough time.
There is no limit to good deeds, when people are in need.
Disclaimer: Based on true events
– Tanisha Agrawal