James Bond behind a ‘gamcha’ : Corona Chronicle #105

There was a full street chase going on.

It looked like an Indian version of some movie where he was wearing a ‘gamcha’ on his face.

The police officials were running behind a man who tried to jump over the barricades.

He started running when he was asked to stop and that tipped the policemen.

The policemen kept on chasing him believing he is doing something wrong.

The chase ended within minutes when the policemen caught him and uncovered his face.

They were in shock when they saw his face.

They all instantly broke into laughter and saluted him.

He was the Superintendent of Police in plain clothes.

The policemen started asking questions about why he did this.

He looked at them and started laughing at them.

He just wanted to check if his officers were alert enough during their duty during weekend lockdown.

He was impressed by the work of his officers and has announced a cash reward of Rupeed 2,100 each for 8 of his policemen who were posted for duty there.

His name is Shiv Hari Meena and is the Superintendent of Sultanpur District, UP, India.

James Bond behind a ‘gamcha’

Disclaimer: Based on true events.

– Tanisha Agrawal

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