The helplessness of patients has become a business to the evil : Corona Chronicle #098

They got a tip off of a gang selling the COVID-19 medicines for an exorbitant price.

They did not wait for a minute and had made up their minds to bust the gang.

The gang was using people’s helplessness and making money out of it.

When the police reached their hideout, they were in shock to see the amount of drugs and COVID-19 related thing that they had in store.

They recovered 51 Remdesivir 100 mg injections, 9 Actemra 400 mg injections and four 80 mg injections.

Also, 180 strips of FabiFlu tablets, 100 pieces of COVID-19 rapid testing kits and Rupees 55,000 net cash.

The gang was black marketing these things at very high prices.

They sold Remdesivir for Rupees 30,000 to 40,000 which is available for Rupees 5,400.

Actemra was sold for Rupees 1 lakh while the market price is Rupees 40,000.

The accused are arrested by the police and all of them are either surgical and medical agents, distributors or commission agents.

To ensure the black marketing does not happen again, the police has made a rule.

Remdesivir drug comes with a consent form that has to be filled and signed by the patient/attendants and concerned doctor when the drug is given.

A copy of the consent form is to be handed to the patient or attendant.

The institution has to ensure the availability of the consent form at all times.

The gang has been busted but the helplessness people have been facing cannot be understood by most of us.

The helplessness of patients has become a business to the evil.

Disclaimer: Based on true events.

– Tanisha Agrawal

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