Benevolence requires valour : Corona Chronicle #069

She received a money prize for her determination.

She saved the money for further use during this terrible times of coronavirus pandemic.

There was a family issue and she wanted to solve it.

During the nationwide lockdown, her aunt was supposed to get married.

The money that they saved for her wedding was draining fast due to their hand to mouth existence.

She thought that the prize money couldn’t be put to better use.

She offered to help financially in her aunt’s marriage.

The prize money she got was because she rode her bicycle for almost 1200 kilometres with her father as a passenger.

They were both living in the outskirts of Delhi but belonged to Bihar.

Her father met with an accident and was unable to ride since then.

She stayed with her father to cook and clean for him.

This was when the pandemic hit the whole world hard.

Her mother called and gave her the responsibility to bring herself and her father back home safely.

They had no money to hire a taxi or any other source of transportation.

She rode her pink bicycle for over a week and reached home safely with her injured father.

This news made the headlines of most newspapers and was appreciated by the whole world.

She thinks people are getting fascinated because she is a girl.

She got very famous and has been receiving prize money for the same brave deed.

Benevolence requires valour.

Disclaimer: Based on true events.

– Tanisha Agrawal

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