106 not out: A centenarian becomes Corona champ: Corona Chronicle #028

His will and stern determination to defeat the coronavirus was overwhelming.

He had contracted the virus from his son who came from abroad.

When he started showing symptoms, he decided that he will come back home stronger.

He was hospitalized in Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi on 14th April.

When the doctors were treating him, they felt something unusual.

The unusual thing in him was the stern determination to fight the virus.

He just wanted to go back home as soon as possible and as strong as he could be. After 16 days of treatment, when another test was performed on him, he was tested negative.

The doctors were surprised to see his inspiring recovery.

He was discharged from the hospital on 1st May after complete recovery bit was suggested to maintain social distance from his family.

His son who was also affected by the virus was still being treated while his father came back home proudly.

His name is Mukhtar Ahmed and he is 106 years old.

A person who has completed a century of his life, was so strong that he overcame and recovered from the deadly virus.

Mukhtar is the oldest coronavirus survivor in India.

A man with a super will showed age is just a number.

Disclaimer: Based on true events.

– Tanisha Agrawal

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