Angels don’t always have a halo and a harp : Corona Chronicle #103

She told her students to get their phones ready for the online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Most of them were having issues with the phone because their parents were migrant workers and some of them only had one handset.

She thought she could still work it out and tell 5 or 6 children to come together and study but they said that their parents aren’t earning a single penny and cant afford the books.

She felt so terrible for her students that we like her own children.

When she talked to them, she understood that they had bigger problems than that.

Their parents were not even able to put up a plate of food once a day.

She felt something unknown in her heart and she decided to waive off 3 months of fees for all the children.

She also talked to her husband that day and their souls decided to help all the people they could.

They were saving up for their house but they knew the can do that again.

They started off by purchasing dry rations locally and distributing it.

An NGO came to help too and they served khichdi for 8 weeks there.

When the word was spreading, people from Sion and Jogeshwari also came down to take some dry ration from them.

They have two kids and this work was taking up a lot of their time but they were okay with it too cause their hearts were content.

Her husband even gave away some part of his Provident Fund for their honorable work.

They have almost fed 1,500 families and have spent 4 lakh.

They are being considered as angels in disguise.

A 22 year old family friend had slipped in his bathroom and was unconscious.

He needed stitches on his leg and when someone approached them for help, they did not hesitate at all and paid the hospital bill in full.

Angels don’t always have a halo and a harp.

Disclaimer: Based on true events

– Tanisha Agrawal

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